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  • Writer's pictureShannon Gallagher

Affirmations & Business Success

Affirmations are becoming more and more popular within business culture, they are being used to help create motivation and productivity. So what are affirmations? Affirmations are statements which are usually short, simple and powerful. They are used to help evoke positivity into our habits, thought patterns and environment. The repetitiveness of saying these phases helps your subconscious to automatically create a mental image which can help change your attitude and behaviour. This is why Affirmations have been linked to business success and improved attitude towards work, it can help to strengthen your mindset and how you act on your plans.

You want to ensure that any phases you want to use as affirmations have meaning and intention behind them. You want to be repeating them multiple times a day for a period of time; a month, maybe even a year. Doing this will help you to create a habit in which you can begin to apply to your lifestyle. The further on the journey you go the more likely you are to realise the effectiveness this task entails and how it can help toward strengthening your core business values and passions.

Strengthening your business values

As a small business you want to ensure you hold sight of the values you hold and the truths for your business, especially when you are building your brand. Affirmations really are all about mindset. When you truly believe that something is possible for your business you begin to stimulate the appropriate actions to make that happen. As business owners you already have so many things that you need to juggle, including this into your routine may help you when you need to persevere and adapt in any given circumstance.

Affirmations can also help you to reflect as you will have to make sure you are staying true to your why. The reasons you started your business and your belief system. A strong belief system can really help create a stable business operation. By affirming you are essentially invoking powerful beliefs about who you are and it really helps to create this vision of how your business would handle a difficult situation.

Affirmations and building a strategy

Effectively using affirmations can and does help to set your values and passions in the right direction. Of course it is important to keep sight of your values when talking and interacting with customers/clients, especially when focusing on specific products or services. It goes without saying to be successful you need to be able to make a meaningful connection with the people you are trying to sell to. Honesty and compassion go a long way, they make you human, it is one of the things people are wanting to see in today’s climate, they want to be able to create some kind of connection.

How can Affirmations bring success?

Affirmations tie in with your business strategy, you can use your affirmations to sharpen your focus and values for your business. Writing down your affirmation and creating a physical representation helps to minimise any intruding thoughts as you have something in front of you that you can look at. This can help to speedup the process of which you can really harness positivity and push forward regarding any challenges or obstacles that may pop up.

Some points to consider when you think and stick with your affirmations:

  • Remember what your core values are.

  • Reflect on why, why does your business matter to you and your community?

  • You are the only person in control of how you think and react.

  • Discipline is essential to affirm your goals.

  • Your values and beliefs should reflect how you will market your product/service.

It goes without saying, words carry so much power. Understanding and believing in what you say is half the battle in itself. Once you have mastered that step the rest will continue to follow. Continue to reflect and refocus your affirmations in regards to your goals, as well as what you stand for.

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