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  • Writer's pictureShannon Gallagher

Call Handling: What is it and How Can it Help Your Business

We wanted to use this blog as a bit of a service spotlight. We will highlight what Call handling is and how it can benefit you and your business. So, Call handling is the term used to describe the management of any phone calls you, or your business, may receive during the day, as well as any outbound calls. When you outsource any service for your business you are able to set the basis for how you would like the calls answered and any “script” you may want to be followed. Often when Call Handling is outsourced you will notice improved customer experiences and an increase in productivity.

How does it all work?

Our Call handling service works by creating a divert for all inbound calls for your business, we will also use this number if you require us to make outbound calls too. We make sure everything is set up according to your business size, industry, objectives, and your location. We use a VoIP system in which all our packages come with a dedicated landline number in your local area code that you can use as your own or divert your calls to. As a small team, you can be reassured that we will treat your calls as we would our own. We want this service to be more of an extension of your business rather than just a random person picking up the phone each time. We want to get to know you and your business so we are able to replicate your attitudes and brand.

Within our call handling services, some of our features also include things like a dial-by-name directory, on-hold music, and call recording for quality purposes. We understand the impact missed calls can have on your business, this is why we wanted to be able to offer packages designed to suit your business needs. We also wanted to be able to include additional packages that you can add on to your calls, creating a bespoke service. You can add on admin bundles if you require us to fill out any paperwork, CRM forms, etc.

What are the benefits?

One of the benefits you will notice early on, from outsourcing Call Handling, is how much more productive and focused the office will be. As a small business ourselves, we know you may not need a multi-level auto-attendant, but you may still want your call handling service to have a personal message to greet callers. Plus, professional voicemail messages and hold music improve your customers’ experiences, all while you and your employees focus on the “important stuff”.

You may also begin to notice improved customer experiences. Due to the service being seamless and personalised. These interactions satisfy callers because the process is much more convenient, fast, and reliable. On top of the customer experience, you and your company would not be inundated with sales call after sales call as we are able to filter through and only forward the calls that are important and require attention.

While it may not seem like it initially, you will end up saving money. Outsourcing your call handling means that your employees can stay focused on the tasks on hand rather than breaking that focus, resulting in less time wasted.

Why is it so important?

Call handling sets the stage for outstanding customer experiences, it is their first contact with your business. We always provide professional greetings, seamless call routing, and personalised interactions. This results in your clients feeling appreciated while demonstrating more loyalty than those with bad calling experiences.

What we can offer

We are a small UK-based business. Being an SME ourselves we understand the impact missed calls can have on your business. We offer packages that are designed to suit your business needs, so you can be sure to never miss a call again. In addition to an answering service, we can also offer various administration services to add on to your call package for a bespoke service, tailored to your business. This admin time allows us to not only take calls but update CRMs, fill out enquiry forms, or action caller requests!

As well as our packages we offer Pay-As-You-Go options. If you only have a small number of calls and they can vary each month, our pay-as-you-go service offers a simple pricing structure, only paying for the number of calls we receive each month. With that being said, we also have no minimum contracts or upfront payments for either PAYG or Packages.

We offer an easy setup, with no extra technology needed. You can ensure that all calls are answered in your company name with any messages sent immediately to you with contact details if you decide you do not want calls directly diverted back to you.

We only work 9-5 Monday-Friday but we have an out-of-hours voicemail set up which emails us, allowing us to check for any marketing calls before sending any other messages to you.

For prices and packages, you can find all this information here.

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