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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

Top tips for working from home

Due to the recent pandemic, many people are now required to work from home. Fortunately, Delegate Me have been doing this for years and so we have put together our top tips to help keep you motivated!

Creating a workspace:

Making sure you designate a separate space to carry out your work makes it a lot easier to focus. It is helpful for minimising distractions and at the end of the day you can leave your work there! Give yourself a set hour or two in the day to focus on your life admin and reserve the rest for working hours. By sticking by these times, it will help keep your work life and home life separate.

Set times for work (stick to a routine):

One of the biggest challenges as a remote worker is not having a routine. Being able to choose your work hours means you could get into inconsistent work habits and not complete what you need to do. To stay motivated wake up at your normal time and make sure you still follow a morning routine, this will help mentally prepare you for the day and put you in the right mindset.

Make a to-do list:

Organising and keeping on top of your tasks will make it a lot easier for you to manage your work! To help with this, come up with a list that is broken down into categories based on priority, this will help you to be more productive.

Schedule breaks:

When working from home, sometimes it is easy to get caught up in your work and end up not giving yourself enough breaks. Taking regular breaks will help you to re-charge and help you stay productive for the rest of the day, by doing this you will complete more work, without feeling as though you do not have enough energy.

Stay positive!:

A positive attitude is important to help you stay motivated and productive! Keep in regular contact with your work colleagues and friends in order to socialise outside of your working hours. Lastly but most importantly, enjoy working at your own pace, wearing whatever you want and setting your own mood for your workspace!

During this pandemic, many new businesses and companies are now a lot more open to outsourcing their work to remote workers. If you feel you need some extra support running your business, whether you are at home or in the office get in touch with Delegate Me today!

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