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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

Email management strategies for a more organised inbox

How much time do you spend managing emails every day? Is your inbox always full? Email overload can be frustrating and a full inbox can divert your attention from what is important if you don’t do something about it.

Here are some ways to help you manage the emails you receive everyday:

Set a specific time each day to check your emails:

Make sure to allocate a fixed time each day to deal with your emails. If you leave your emails open all day long it will mean notifications and alerts will interrupt your workflow and disrupt your focus. Prioritise the most important ones and deal with the others after to make sure you stay on top of them all.

Use the delete button: There are most likely emails that have been lying unattended in your inbox for ages, so be brutally honest with yourself and delete what you don’t need. For the emails that you aren’t ready to delete just yet, archive them. This means they are not deleted but removes them from your inbox, you will most likely never need them again but in case you do then it is a relief you can get them back.

Organise your inbox with folders:

Although most emails can be deleted, sometimes you might want to keep ones that relate to the business or ones you may need to look back on. For example, if you have many different clients then make different folders for each of them and sort your emails into the right one. The better your filing system the easier it will be to locate specific emails when you need them.

There isn’t a ‘right’ way to manage your emails, what works for someone else might not work for you. Although it may seem silly… sorting your inbox may need a little discipline but give it time and you’ll be in a routine in no time.

Just think how great it will be starting work on a Monday morning with hardly any emails in your inbox!

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