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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

How to take care of yourself and your business

When you start up your own business, the difference between work and life becomes a blur. It is common for business owners to take on too much, and excessive workloads means fewer hours of sleep and more stress! Even basic self-care can seem impossible to maintain but staying physically and mentally healthy will ensure you and your business grow and succeed.

Self-care is maintaining a better work/life balance and looking after yourself as much as you do your business. The most effective way to practise self-care is to make it a daily habit.

Here are ways to practise self-care as a business owner:

Create your ‘me time’ routine:

You might not realise it but having time to yourself will allow you to recharge yourself. Carve out some time everyday to do something that brings you joy and makes you forget about your business… make sure it’s not work related! So that you remember put it in your calendar or set reminders so you don’t forget to do this.

Sleep: Many business owners do not give themselves enough time to relax, when you are running your own business its hard to make time for a good night’s sleep. When you’re focusing on getting new customers and making sure you keep the same ones, sleep can be at the bottom of your priority list. We tend to think that sleep is when our body and mind shuts down, sometimes even a waste of valuable working time but this is not true. When sleeping it gives yourself time to process information and restore and strengthen your body ready for the next day.

Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’: Entrepreneurs are inundated daily with requests for meetings, calls, collaborations and the list goes on… It is important that you learn to say no without feeling guilty or rude. You need to make sure you focus on your business and also allow self-care time so make sure to ask yourself ‘Will this be beneficial for my business’ and if it isn’t, then don’t be afraid to say the truth.


Just because you are your own boss doesn’t mean you can’t delegate when you need too! Other people may not know you need it when you do, so trust your employees and ask them for help. Be sure you’re giving yourself a manageable amount of work and then delegate the rest.

Taking time to recharge will help you to stay productive, allowing you to make better critical decisions at work. Self-care is an important investment in your small business and your success… so make sure to practise the tips above!

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