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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

Is your small business ready for Brexit?

With only 20 days until the end of the transition period, how are small to medium-sized businesses coping?

2020 has been an extremely difficult year for SMEs with the effects that Covid-19 has had on the country and now face problems with making sure their business is ready for Brexit.

A section from an article in Business Leader said “Our research reveals that many SMEs are generally unprepared for Brexit or are delaying plans to address the impact until after the end of the transition period. Whilst the delay in preparing for Brexit is understandable given the ongoing impact of the pandemic, the potential wide-ranging effects of Brexit on many businesses means it’s crucial that SMEs begin to take steps to prepare”

If any of the following applies to you or you’re business, you need to act now:

The deadline is approaching and with Christmas getting in the way, it’s a good idea to start looking now if you haven’t already.

Check out the Gov website (Below) to see what you and your business need to do to be ready for the transition.

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