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  • Writer's pictureShannon Gallagher

Personal Branding: Why has it become so important?

With the business world changing you need to ensure you can keep up with the ever changing Social Media Trends and Digital Marketing hot points; right now personal branding is just that. It has a lot of people talking and even more noticing how powerful it can be as a marketing “strategy”.

I say “strategy” because, personal brand is effectively just you, and how you put yourself out there on the internet. That in itself should tell you why it isn’t really a strategy, you are just being you. More and more people are wanting to see the people behind the computer, the people behind the brand and feel a genuine connection rather than feeling like advertisements are just being thrown in their face left, right and centre.

Your personal brand is the unique combination of your skills and experiences, the things that make you who you are. It comes from how you put yourself out there and how you present yourself to the world. Effective personal branding will make you stand out and differentiate you from the competition. It will allow you to build trust with prospective clients, partners and even employers.

A personal brand can be the difference in you getting the work, over someone else and vice versa. Here are some tips to help improve your personal brand so you can use it for your benefit:

Be Authentic

With anything that is personal why wouldn't you be authentic? Being yourself is essential as it is all about selling yourself at the end of the day. Your quirks are what set you apart and make you original. This could be something as small as having a crazy colour for your hair, a signature look; a special trait that makes you stand out from a crowd of 7 billion + people.

Be Consistent

When you are building your brand, consistency is key. This could be in terms of how often you are posting, to your overall theme. This could relate back to our previous tip; your quirk! This could be the reason people follow you, especially if it is something relating to your look or how you present yourself.

When posting, to help with consistency, use a scheduling tool. By doing this you can see your content in one place as well as being able to bulk create content to schedule, saving you a bit of time in the long run.


What better way to get yourself out there than actually getting out there. Make a start on that website, go to that business event, connect with that person on socials. The more you interact with people the more of a network you can build up. When building a network it is best not to niche down too much, as this can reduce your reach. You never know who knows who and what you might need in the future.


Another thing that really helps to build your own personal brand is interaction, reply to those messages, have a chat in your comments. After all these people are the people that help create the new and upcoming opportunities that will be coming your way in the long run. By interacting with followers, those who have shared your content you are building stronger connections. People want fast responses, they want to feel heard and this kind of interaction does that.

Of course eventually, once you do have a strong following you may not always be able to reply to everyone but people seeing the comments here and there replying to other people will show that you still want to be able to just have a chat.

Know your limits

Sometimes, it will help to take a step away for a little while. Spending so much time on social media and electronic can, and does take a toll on your life and mental health. Plus, sometimes it helps people to realise how much they miss you and have a need for your content. When building a personal brand, you’ll realize that there is a downside to too much attention. It’s okay to step out of the spotlight you have created every now and then to build yourself back up on a personal level.

While this does sound pretty counterproductive and hypocritical, it can also be one of the most important steps. If you do not focus on yourself, how will you continue to provide for others? Turning off can help you refocus and create content that inspires you more, burnout is common and does happen, so taking these breaks can help prevent that and help you with your long term goals. Plus, it is never selfish to show self care.

Building up your personal brand can help elevate your business to heights you didn't think you could reach. By following a combination of different tips, such as those above, can help you increase your chances of success in your career. Yes, it can be scary to put yourself out there but with what your reward could be is much greater than the risk. You have the power to really make an impact in the world, the legacy you leave lies in your hands.

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