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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

Running an online store

In March 2020 the country went into a national lockdown, which forced many businesses to temporarily shut.

We are now in a 3rd national lockdown and so, because people can no longer shop in store, there has been a dramatic shift from in-person to online shopping. This means businesses are having to adapt their strategies and use digital technology a lot more. Many think that this will continue in the post-quarantine world, which is why it is a great time to set up an online store if you haven’t already!

Most shops and stores have shut in England at the moment, due to a third national lockdown, although when they are allowed to reopen there will most likely still be restrictions, such as enforcing social distancing, the wearing of masks and a limit on how many customers to enter one space at a time. Coronavirus is not going to disappear overnight, which is why people will most likely carry-on online shopping.

As stores become even harder to visit in person, here are some points on how to bring your business online.

· Plan your website – Decide what pages you will need to showcase your products and services.

· Decide where to sell online - It is important to look into where you want to sell online, so you pick sites that reach a wide range of potential customers.

· Making sure your customers know you are online – Let your customers know that you are online and still selling by using Social media and other advertisement. Word of mouth travels fast!

· Promote your business on various platforms - This will help you to connect with your customers and increase awareness about your brand and website.

· Making sure you have a brand or theme that people will remember - Effective branding helps businesses differentiate themselves from others and build a loyal customer base.

Moving your business online during this pandemic may be challenging but will be beneficial to your business, especially when most people are shopping online.

Delegate Me are currently offering small, local businesses the support they need to get their business online. Get in touch today to find out more information!

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