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  • Writer's pictureShannon Gallagher

The benefits of a Virtual Assistant in the winter months

As we know, Virtual Assistants are useful and worthwhile the whole year round, but there are some more benefits to focus on; especially in the colder half of the year. In this blog, we will look into a few of those advantages and how they can benefit you as a business owner.

We can work from anywhere!

Being virtual means we are able to help you from wherever. So, if there are any snow days, decorating or environmental issues you do not need to worry about us missing a day's work. We can work from the comfort of our bed, our own home office, or if we fancy a change of scenery we could pop down to the local coffee shop and work from there. This is incredibly beneficial if you have end of year deadlines that you can not afford to miss out on.

If you are forced to shut your place of work and your staff are unable to work from home you will still have to pay your staff, even if they are unable to work. But if you have a virtual assistant you would still only have to pay for the hours worked and not need to worry about looming deadlines.

Reduce your payout!

If you hire a Virtual assistant over employing a full time employee you cut down on a whole lot of extra costs, for you and your business. You save on:

  • Sick days

  • Holiday leave

  • Worker’s compensation

  • Medical/dental benefits (if included)

All of this money you would have to pay out, which could be better used elsewhere; especially around Christmas and the holidays.

Increased Productivity

We are sure you feel it, when the work day starts dark and then ends dark you feel less productive, and it can put you in a bit of a slump. Even on a good day, it is shown that employees tend to only have around 3 hours of actual productive work out of their 8 hours at the office. This has many factors to take into consideration, such as the typical office distractions, chatting away in the breakroom, getting a coffee or just surfing the internet.

Virtual Assistants, only get paid for the work we actually do, and if we are slacking off we lose out, which is why Virtual Assistants tend to be more motivated and productive. If we aren’t, we lose out just as much as you. It also helps that we can work just about anywhere, meaning we don’t have to get up and commute, we can start as soon as we wake up, if we wanted too.

You get improved work quality

In the winter months, there will always be an increase in your “busy” work rather than the sole focus, productive work. The increase of sales emails result in you having to check emails more often, so you don’t miss any “genuine” work emails. Not to mention answering phone calls, or managing your website and any other admin?

A Virtual assistant can help you to improve your work quality by taking over these “nonessential tasks”. This means you’d be able to dedicate more time to growing and focusing on the “more important stuff”.

Using a Virtual Assistant, you also save the time and hassle of having to re-train your employees. Rather than educating them on every new technology that comes along, why not outsource to someone who already has all of those skills and knows the different platforms you use.

Specialist focus

We touched on this in the point above, instead of paying to train new staff, and existing staff, you can use us, a virtual assistant, who already specialises in the new technology or tasks, you are introducing into your workplace. This saves you time and more importantly saves you money. Which of course is helpful all year round, but especially a bonus in the colder months and running up to Christmas and the holidays.

We can safely say, that for most, that hiring a Virtual Assistant can help you in a range of different ways, they can even support you with personal tasks if you run out of time, while you focus on building your empire.

You can contact us via the Contact Us form or by giving us a ring, to see how we can help and support you.

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