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  • Writer's pictureShannon Gallagher

The Misconceptions of a Virtual Assistant

Often when we say to someone “we are a team of virtual assistants” we get met with the question “What is that?” In this blog we will cover a few myths that people believe about Virtual Assistants and how beneficial we can be to you as a business. If you still have any questions after reading through this blog do not hesitate to contact us; we will be more than happy to help.

Small businesses don’t need a Virtual assistant

There is this idea that only bigger businesses and companies need a virtual assistant, which is a complete misunderstanding. You can be any size business and need support with work to help run your business day to day. You may want to focus on sales and sending out products but not have the time for the admin behind it all or the data entry to help you keep track for your finances. Smaller businesses can still get busy and be met with overwhelm, and we would be more than happy to help however needed. If anything, Virtual Assistants are even more crucial to small businesses than they are to big businesses. They allow the director to focus on more overarching plans and tasks, while they take over more routine tasks and the “small” stuff.

Virtual Assistants only cover Admin

This is not the case, we are able to support you with a wide range of different jobs and tasks. Here at Work Smart, we have a team who each cover different specialisms which can help you run your business smoother, covering over a range of different industries. What’s special about a VA-client relationship is that it’s essentially a partnership. This means that full trust should be given to the Virtual Assistant, in regards with any task - from calculating expenses to personal requests and support. Whether the task includes having to engage with the company's social media community or responding to emails from clients.

Virtual Assistants are just another employee

Virtual Assistants are more like a partner than an employee. You share tasks, changing expectations as the business grows. We are here to help you with the day to day running of your business and help you grow; it really is working together to provide the best service for your customers.

Virtual Assistants are all the same

This is another misconception, each virtual assistant has their own speciality and focus. Some prefer to have a niche while others are more than happy to support a range of different services. Some Virtual Assistants prefer to keep the interaction virtual, using different apps and calls for meetings, while again others would like to have a face to face meeting and get to know the person they are working with. Neither way is wrong, it just depends on what works for us, the virtual assistant, and yourself. Hopefully, this helps you, especially if you have been “umming and ahhing” about getting in contact for some support. We are a versatile company, and we have a small team who all have different specialities, meaning we can support you with a wide range of different jobs across a whole spectrum of industries.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions in regards to how we can help and support you and your business.

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