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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

Tips for better health as a Virtual Assistant

When we think about working from home and being self-employed we normally think of the flexible hours, being able to pick the children up from school and scheduling calls around your day. Although something we do forget about is the little things such as looking after our own health and wellbeing.

As a Virtual Assistant, you are so used to managing your clients work and improving your own business there always seems as though there is never-ending tasks to complete… which may cause you to not switch off from work in the evening. Most work-from-home VA’s are also mums meaning there is even more to juggle on a daily basis!

In order to stay healthy, here are a few tips for you to make sure you are helping your body out:

Schedule breaks: Do you ever get to lunchtime and realise you have been sat at your desk since you started? It is important to get away from your computer every so often even for 5-10 minutes. If you can, go outside for some fresh air as this will allow yourself to recharge and re-energise giving you motivation for the rest of the workday.

No meals or snacks at your desk: A habit that you should not let creep in is eating at your desk…by doing this it makes you stay at your desk longer meaning you are not taking breaks! It will also most likely force you into a more casual sitting position which is not good for your posture, and it is much more enjoyable to change the scenery every so often.

Increase your water intake:

Make sure you stay hydrated throughout the workday! It is easy to drink tea or coffee all day, but this can lead to mild dehydration… just like fizzy drinks reduce the amount of fluid in your body so have glasses of water at your desk too. It is a lot easier to get your recommended daily water intake when its sitting on your desk!

It is important that you take care of both your mind and body with these tips, and by making these small changes you will find you’ll increase your productivity, have more energy and a more positive mindset.

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