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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

Top tips on how to end each workday

It’s important to end each day proud of the work that you have achieved and not feeling down or in a bad mood. This isn’t always easy when you’ve got tasks piling up on top of you and you feel like you’ve got never ending work… try not to stress as everyone has bad days.

Set yourself up for success and make sure you feel prepared, here are some tips you should follow to help you feel ready for the following workday:

Review your accomplishments: Spend a few minutes reflecting on the tasks that you have successfully completed throughout the day; it will help you highlight how productive your day has been and make you feel good before signing off for the evening. Some days you may complete everything but others you might only get one or two tasks ticked off your list, but don’t let this get to you as an occasional off day is normal.

Prepare for tomorrow: For many of us we find it hard to stop thinking about work after the day is over, this could be worrying about unfinished tasks or work you need to get done the next day. To stop this, make a plan (a to-do list) for each day so you know what tasks you need to get done first. If you know exactly what you need to work on you won’t waste time trying to figure out your priorities and you won’t spend your evenings thinking about this.

Make sure your desk is organised: As they say… a tidy desk is a tidy mind! If you are unorganised this can have an effect on your work, sometimes it could give people the wrong impressions as they think it might negatively impact how you work. Making sure you tidy your desk at the end of each workday will avoid you misplacing documents which will help keep you ahead of your task list. You will leave knowing that you’ll walk into a tidy office in the morning and be ready to start your work.

Set a work end time: As a remote worker you often have flexibility with your schedule which means it’s easy to work different hours each day, when you aren’t facing commute and are already at home you can often end up doing an extra hour here and there. It is important to switch off at some point so leave your work behind at the end of the day to allow time to relax, then set office hours and stick to them. If you do need to work extra hours try and start your day earlier, as at night it will more likely cut into family activities and interrupt your home life.

Remember… when you end the day the right way, you will have an even more productive day tomorrow!

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