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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

Ways to get motivated whilst working

Throughout these uncertain times there are many reasons why we can feel demotivated… although with the recent roadmap out of Lockdown being announced, there is at last light at the end of the tunnel! Although you may feel like it is just you, many people feel less motivated in both their work and personal lives. A lot has changed, this disruption we are all facing is unlike anything anyone has experienced before and so it is completely natural to feel this way.

Here are some tips on how to keep you motivated and productive:

Set a specific routine: Having no specific routine can make you feel demotivated which is why it is important to set a schedule and stick to it (if you are working in the office or at home). Having a routine should help you block out distractions and ensure that at the end of the workday you feel as though you have accomplished everything you needed to get done. Although…don’t overwork yourself as this can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Be on time: One of the most important ways to stay motivated is making sure you get to work on time. If you plan a time to start work, make sure you stick to it. Being late can make you feel stressed and as if you’re starting the day disorganised, whereas if you are there on time it will make you feel more prepared and ready for the day.

Prioritise tasks: A tip that we find helpful is to do the hardest or biggest job first! As this is most likely the one that you will be put off of doing. Once you have finished this you will feel a big weight off your shoulders, and will then be able to get on with the rest of your tasks after this, whilst still feeling motivated.

Block out distractions: To stay motivated you could turn off your notifications for anything that you find distracting. If you are tempted to go on your phone then put it away whilst you are at work as it is a lot harder to focus and concentrate when your phone is constantly buzzing.

Take a break: Lastly, it is important to take a break and step away from what you are working on every now and then. This is important as when you return to what you were doing you will have a little energy boost and feel refocused, and will therefore complete your tasks better.

Everyone is in the same position and there will be days where you don’t feel as motivated as others… but don’t let that get to you! If you stick to these tips and keep a positive mindset then you will continue to feel motivated towards your work.

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