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  • Writer's pictureEmily Curtis

Why you should learn to switch off

How hard is it for you to switch off from work?

It’s not unusual for people to think and reflect about work issues during their own time… but many individuals find they are unable to escape from their work. Thinking about work issues during your free time can actually be counterproductive and can also increase health risks.

Relaxing after a difficult day at work can be hard, especially when technology is everywhere, although being able to switch off is vital for our wellbeing and productivity.

Work takes up most of our day so winding down afterwards can be difficult. Here are some small steps that can be taken to help you switch off from work:

Write a daily list: Before you finish work each day, make sure to write down everything you need to sort for the next day. Even if you already have the jobs listed on a task management tool still write them down as it will help to clear your mind and reassure you that you’re in control. It will also help you feel as though you’re on top of things, allowing you to relax for the rest of the evening.

Minimise work chat at home: It’s natural to talk about how your day was when you get in or when you’re eating dinner, but make sure it is not all you talk about in the evening. For example, if you’ve had a stressful day you won’t want to bring the negative energy home… so limit the work chat to keep it separate and help you switch off.

Allow yourself time off: Many business owners worry about taking time away from their business as they feel like their helpless to fix any problems during this time. Taking a week’s holiday won’t affect your business as long as you enlist the help of you staff. Learning to separate yourself, put trust in your team and reboot is vital and will help gain trust within your business.

Try to avoid working during the evenings: Occasionally working during your free time to get work completed is fine. Although constantly doing this means your overworking and actually decreases productivity, as people tend to become tired and fatigued. Working into the evening can also make it harder for people to unwind meaning its harder to get to sleep.

There will be times when its hard to switch off, such as when you’re working on an important task or project, but as you can see above there are strategies that can help you improve this.

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