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  • Writer's pictureShannon Gallagher

Why you should look after your wellbeing at Christmas.

While the Christmas period is full of joy for many, it can be the complete opposite for some. We should all try to be accommodating and a comfort for those around us who may struggle a little more with this time of year. In this blog, we want to look at a few things you could do to support those around you as well as what you could do to help yourself and improve your wellbeing.

1- Listen

Listening to someone who needs it most can help them in ways you wouldn’t even realise. You would help by being that loved one's outlet so they do not need to keep it all cramped up inside. Even if this is the only thing you can do, it is worth so much more to them.

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”- Bryant McGill.

This also stands for yourself. You should only be putting yourself and your needs first, so if you feel a little overwhelmed with so many people around; you do not need to put yourself into that situation. You do not need to make yourself feel terrible or low. You know when you are the best company, so arrange another time to see people. Smaller, more manageable groups.

2- Don’t be too strict on yourself

Yes, you may be on a diet but eating a couple of chocolates and a Christmas dinner will not completely reverse your progress. So what you didn’t work out for a couple of days, maybe even a week. You are allowed to celebrate with those around you, without having the looming guilt. You can eat that food, you can have that “treat”. Food is not a prize, our bodies need it to function and a few days deterring from your usual platter will not do much to affect that.

The 80:20 ratio is the golden ratio, as they say. Spend 80% of your time sticking to a nutritious diet which will leave you with 20% to play around with and relax.

Likewise, you should never comment to anyone about what they are eating, that is something for them. You wouldn’t like it if roles were reversed.

You are worthy!

3- Be grateful for those around you

While it is lovely to receive gifts and see all the presents around this time of year, you should never expect them. Some people drive themselves into debt to try and get everyone a gift, which should never be the case. If you can go out and buy people gifts, by all means, go out and do it, but if you are struggling to, don’t feel like you have to. This time of year is about togetherness and family, not materialistic things.

Enjoy the lights, enjoy the company, and the overall festive spirit.

4- Stay Safe

Stay as safe as you can, especially this year, given the circumstances. Enjoy each other's company, play all the games, eat that food but remember there is still a list of guidelines in place to keep us all as safe as possible. We had a restricted, almost lost Christmas last year, so let's kick up the festivities this year and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

More than ever, look after yourself and those around you. Not just around Christmas, But always.

We hope you all are able to enjoy the festive season, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the new year bring good health and happiness.

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