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Services & Pricing

Below we have listed just some of the task we can help with. Please get in touch should you require assistance with any task not listed.

Working on Laptop

General Administration

We can provide general Secretarial services, such as administration, handling correspondence, answering emails, typing and proofreading. Alongside general personal Assistance.

Entering credit card details

E-Commerce Support

We have experience managing various online stores, from sourcing suppliers, managing orders, restocking inventory and handling customer service. 

We have worked on Amazon Seller Central, Shopify, Etsy and Ebay.

Social Media Management

Does your business have social media accounts that don’t get updated? We can do daily, weekly or monthly updates on your social media platforms to keep your followers entertained and more importantly reminded of your business.

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Recruitment /Resourcing

Advertising a position can be a timely task when having to read through job applications and find the most suitable candidate. We are happy to help in writing up a detailed job description, managing the candidate applications and shortlisting the best candidates for interviews.

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Retainer Packages and PAYG

We are happy to offer both retainer packages or a pay as you go service.

If you would like to retain us for more than 60 hours per month, please get in touch.

Our hourly rate for pay as you go is £22ph.

Bronze Plan

20 Hours a Month

With this bronze retainer package, we offer 20 hours at a discounted rate of just £20ph.

All retainer packages are payable at the start of each month and any unused ours can be rolled over to the next month only.


per month

Silver Plan

40 Hours a Month

With this silver retainer package, we offer 40 hours at a discounted rate of just £20ph.

All retainer packages are payable at the start of each month and any unused ours can be rolled over to the next month only.


per month

Gold Plan

60 hours a Month

With this gold retainer package, we offer 60 hours at a discounted rate of just £20ph.

All retainer packages are payable at the start of each month and any unused ours can be rolled over to the next month only.

£1200 per month

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